2 thoughts on “Teacher Beliefs and Teaching Practices and Sudden Move to Online Teaching

  1. Interesting study! Beliefs are very resistant to changes. I wonder how Covid-19 has affected teacher beliefs about teaching in an online learning environment?

    1. That is a good question. I am focusing on the teachers’ beliefs and their relationship to teaching practices. Furthermore, the impact of this relationship on students’ achievement.
      In order to answer your question, I go though three phases:
      Phase 1: Confirm the consistent relationship between teachers beliefs about technology and using technology in the classroom by conducting survey and interview

      Phase 2: studying teaching practicing before and after COVID-19 and compare that with the beliefs. Again by conducting survey and interview.

      Phase 3: If there is a constant relationship between teacher beliefs about technology and utilizing technology in the classroom then changing teaching practices implies changing teachers’ beliefs.
      Please let me know if you have any suggestions 🙂

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